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Mother's Day Flowers


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Wedding Packages Now Avaliable

a passion for flowers

Since 1994, U-Floria has been crafting floral arrangements and providing bespoke floral designs for all occasions. We opened our Watford shop in 2013, as the business was growing, and have had the pleasure of creating stunning arrangements and wedding designs for our amazing customers and clients ever since.


Bouquet of the Month

The ultimate romantic gesture! This luxurious red and burgundy bouquet is the perfect way to show someone how much they mean to you. The stunning arrangement features deep red and cerise spray roses, red hypericum with burgundy carnations and foliage to complement.

Photo shows deluxe size

Our florists may substitute flowers and sundries for a suitable alternative, similar in style, quality and value depending on availability.
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By U-Floria
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Transform Your Favourite Spaces
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Funeral Tributes

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We used this company for a work event. They went above and beyond to ensure that everything was perfect. Every attendee absolutely adored the flowers, they were most definitely the highlight of the day! So if you're looking to impress, I would definitely go for Ufloria! We are looking forward to working with them again soon.

Libby Moore

I've bought flowers from Khalida multiple times and her service is absolutely seamless! She curates the most beautiful bouquets and really puts her passion into her work! Would highly recommend to all! Thank you !

Ayman D

I cannot recommend u-Floria high enough. Wonderful service with exceptional knowledge and care taken to provide flowers in perfect condition. Not over priced at all. Khalida always has a smile and is helpful and experienced. Wedding and funeral services uses.

Paula Swift

Brilliant flowers and the most fantastic workshops. I brought members of my office here to the workshop and they loved the experience and the arrangements they made (and the food provided). A real fun evening.

Lesley Williams

Visited ufloria flowers recently, the owner was incredibly friendly and helpful and the pink and white teardrop bridal bouquet was beautiful
Thank you for everything, would 100% recommend to anyone

Aayushi Pabari

Plenty of flowers and very well presented.

Great value for money and lovely customer service too

Tony Knock

Excellent! Gorgeous, fresh flowers that look amazing and look as good now as they did when I bought them a week ago!

Jordan H


wedding designs

We aim to provide a unique and inspiring experience catered to your individual needs and style inspiration.

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Our Watford Shop

Carpenders Park Garden Centre
Little Oxhey Lane, WD19 5BA

Monday - Saturday: 09:00am - 5:30pm
Sunday: 10:00am - 4:00pm

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